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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Elation 08

America has spoken, loud and clear and it is an absolute amazing chunk of history that we are able to share! No matter whom YOU voted for, YOU voted in the single most important election of YOUR life. YOU voted in an election with the highest voter turnout in decades. YOU voted in an election in which there was a 50/50 chance that a woman or an African American would be at the helm of our country. YOU voted in a time where there was so much speculation that it forced everyone to get behind something, to get out there and VOTE!
It is amazing, every bit of it!
Personally, I am extremely excited with the outcome. I am also glad that my entire family will not be joining my sister in Chile – because yes, that was an option.
I went to the Washington County Democrats watch party at the Fayetteville Town Center last night. It was very crowded, much more so than I expected actually – but we were pleasantly surprised. It was a sea of blue! There was an absolute ERUPTION when CNN announced … and the winner is OBAMA! Actually, I saw from my sister in Chile, that CNN International had actually announced it about 6 minutes prior to the states so I felt like I knew something early… =)
Me with my yard sign & my parents at the Watch PartyAll the people at the Watch PartyPresley, my very own yellow dog Democrat and the live Donkey that was at the Watch Party
It is no doubt our country is in need of change, and it would have happened no matter who won actually. George Bush should have been gone 4 years ago, but it is pretty clear that both parties were very ready to get him out of the way along with his war and his policies.
If you continue to remain sceptical about the Obama administration, I would like to tell you to keep praying and keep you head up – the world IS going to continue to turn and your prayers and your civic, civilian duty, as an American needs to keep up with that. And no, that does not mean that you should pray for something bad to happen to President Obama, that is not very nice. I was appalled to see what some people were writing on their Facebook statuses about the man who is now our President – still bold face lies. The thing that gets me the most is that people still jump to the conclusion that he is a Muslim when in fact he is not. Yes, there is Muslim heritage and religious practice in his family – SO WHAT! Some of you may be German – are you a Nazi? Should one jump to the conclusion that just because there is a certain negative spot in the course of your heritage or it's community that you too are a bad seed? NO! That in itself IS NOT THE CHRISTIAN WAY TO THINK!!!
So again, thank YOU for voting in this historic event. A special thanks to Ohio and Pennsylvania too!!! =)


Anonymous said...

I am soooo thrilled, too!!!! What an exciting election! And no more Palin!!!

Stacy said...

SO excited. So awesome.

kolls said...


I can't stop smiling and crying this week, sometimes at the same time!