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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I hate you Punxatawney Phil

Dear town of Punxatawney,
Yep, I said it, I've had it with your beloved rodent and his handlers with their top hats and tuxes? Really?
I can not, will not, handle 6 more weeks of winter. I want and need spring to be just around the corner.
Although I know either way, it's really the same thing but still, this BS about seeing the shadow or not - it's a sham I say.
I'll take a sunny, warm patio please!
Get it right next year.


Dear town of Punxatawney,
Yep, I said it, I've had it with your beloved rodent and his handlers with their top hats and tuxes? Really?
I can not, will not, handle 6 more weeks of winter. I want and need spring to be just around the corner.
Although I know either way, it's really the same thing but still, this BS about seeing the shadow or not - it's a sham I say.
I'll take a sunny, warm patio please!
Get it right next year.



DietCokeStraightUp said...

Hey fellow Arkansan!!! Thanks so much for following my blog! I love yours!!! Can't wait to read more of your post!

Am said...


Lisa said...


Lori said...

Me too. So tired of the cold.

alyssa said...

Fun blog! I'm here in NWA too!!

Sass said...

Hey there! Just checking in on all my followers...

I'll be lurking here for awhile getting caught up! ;)

Oh, and yeah...I'm totally with you on the spring thing. It needs to hurry up. :)