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Monday, February 2, 2009

Paint the Town Red '09

Two weeks ago, MZ and I went to Paint the Town Red, a local fund raiser for the American Heart Association. It's a great fundraiser for a great cause and I personally like it because they have vowed to never move the event to Benton County! I will always go to anything that makes that type of promise to me!
Zack and Lauren joined us at Paint the Town Red as well...
One thing MZ and I have decided to this year is to go to more fund raiser events rather than just going to a bar, this is good for a few reasons:
  1. We would spend just as much money going to a bar, so it might as well be going to a good cause - especially if they are "open bar."
  2. I get to play dress up which is ALWAYS fun!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Neither of us smell like lung cancer at the end of the night.
  4. It's a good networking .... uh network.
  5. Most of the local fundraisers also showcase local restaurants so we get to try all kinds of local food!

So, I'm planning out the rest of the year and trying to find some good fund raisers to attend!

Even more exciting, almost $120,000 was raised which is 30% more than last year. That's quite an accomplishment considering the state of our economy.

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